Mousetrap Challenge - 2.0: R&D

Our group had decided to move forward with our current design without drastically modifying it or our definition statement. To improve upon our current design we plan to reduce our vehicle's friction by 3D modeling a more efficient design as well as reduce backspin. We are thinking of creating a more spherical shape however with that plan our concern is whether it would roll off course. To counteract this I proposed modifying the exterior so it naturally is inclined to stay upright: like how one might modify a dice to cheat. Our other idea is to suspend the vehicle above the mousetrap to that the mousetrap's arm would meet the vehicle at 45 degrees therefore maximizing efficiency. The disadvantage of this idea is that the vehicle would have to be much smaller and more resistant to impacts. The size is important because of our definition statement that we need to deliver something.


  1. I think that I understand both design descriptions, Jason. Perhaps a diagram would help clarify.


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