Waterloo 3.0 - Final Days - Parting Words

The biggest idea that has occurred to me in the past day is the possibility of exploring engines on my own time and also acting on an idea that occurred to me for the create value project but we didn't have enough time. At this point, I regret not doing this earlier for my passion project but I believe this idea is truly pitchable for dragons lair 2018. The idea is the create a license plate frame with internal bluetooth and motion sensors that would serve as an aftermarket alternative for automatic motion-activated car trunk opening.

The week has also somewhat clarified what engineers do. It is difficult to judge what exactly engineers do just from what engineering students do as the real world often widely differs from school experiences. As far as what I have experience, however, the trial-and-error methodologies I have experienced have adjusted career path planning. I've always planned on majoring in engineering (hopefully aeronautical) for undergraduate school and then deciding whether to attend law school as science degrees are actually very in need in law as only those with science degrees can handle patent law. For now, this experience has made me more determined to become a lawyer however perhaps actually going through engineering undergrad and then working as an engineer for a year or two will change my opinion.


  1. Interesting take on a possible university path, Jason. A discussion that I'd had with the staff here revealed that there is a high percentage of law students that come from an engineering background. The thinking was that engineering prepared students with superior problem-solving skills that were particularly helpful in law. Glad that you've been able to make some connections over the week!


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