Meteor Challenge - 1.2: Pre-Spring Break Update
Prior to leaving for spring break my group and I put the finishing touches on our cannon. We drilled a hole about the diameter of our Schraeder bike valve and inserted our valve. The valve was a pretty good fit and we sealed it with hot glue on the outside and inside. On the side of the valve within the tube, we left portions of the rubber originally from the bike tire attached to the valve as that should also form an effective seal.
Upon testing for leaks, however, we heard and felt air escaping when lightly pressurized from the back of the cannon which was detachable via a screw on cap. To rectify this we slathered generous amounts of ABS cement on all connections as a preventative measure. On our first class back we will need to test again for leaks and then be able to test fire our cannon.
Upon testing for leaks, however, we heard and felt air escaping when lightly pressurized from the back of the cannon which was detachable via a screw on cap. To rectify this we slathered generous amounts of ABS cement on all connections as a preventative measure. On our first class back we will need to test again for leaks and then be able to test fire our cannon.
Thanks, Jason.