Meteor Challenge - 1.3: Benched

My group has successfully built the body of the potato gun and sealed the connections. We have also successfully tested it using a small pump and the projectile flew approximately five meters. The issue we are tackling is sealing the space around the Schraeder valve. Thus far we have tried hot glue and silicone however in the case of the hot glue the hot glue came loose when we tried to attach a full sized pump which requires placing force downwards on the valve. The force subsequently depressed the valve and detached the glue. The silicone, on the other hand, bubbled from the pressure inside and soon came loose. We have applied additional silicone hoping that will solve the problem. To finish our project we simply must prevent leakages, especially from the valve hole. Additionally, we must find a way to attach a full sized pump without pressing down too hard lest we pump using our tiny hand pump on test day.


  1. I like your explanation of how the adhesives that you've used have behaved. Good luck working that through. My one question is about the rest of the design. Are there other issues that you still need to tackle? Or are you ready to go once you've solved this one issue?

  2. We would be ready to go after all leaks are sealed. Other members in my group are also working on making a better projectile though I think the one we are using currently works fine. The final challenge will be accurately aiming and firing the cannon.


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